Dt. Mediha Işıkver

Dentist Mediha Işıkver was born in Antakya. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University in 2011. After serving in various clinics, she established her own practice in 2024. Her professional focus includes smile design, porcelain veneers, bonding, composite veneers, teeth whitening, aesthetic dental treatments, jaw joint disorders, and implant-supported prostheses. She is a member of ITI (International Team of Implantology), the Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry Association (EDAD), and the Turkish Dental Association (TDB).


Dt. Kemal Bulut Çırpan

Dentist Kemal Bulut Çırpan was born in Izmir. He graduated with honors from the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University. In 2021, he began his doctoral studies in the Department of Orthodontics at Okan University. He specializes in clear aligners, orthognathic surgery operations, and joint-focused orthodontic treatments. In 2024, he joined Klinik M as an orthodontist. He is a member of the Turkish Orthodontic Society (TOD), the Turkish Aligner Society (TAD), and the Turkish Dental Association (TDB).

Dt. Erdem Yazıcı

Dentist Erdem Yazıcı was born in Istanbul. He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Istanbul University in 2014. In the same year, he began his doctoral studies in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Istanbul University, completing it successfully in 2019. He focuses primarily on dental implant treatments, the All-on-4 and All-on-6 implant concepts, sinus lifting, odontogenic cyst treatments, crest splitting, bone augmentation, resection, and impacted tooth extractions.


Dt. Gülçin Özşen

Dentist Gülçin Özşen was born in Antakya. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Ankara University in 2010. From 2010 to 2021, she served both adult and pediatric patients in various public and private dental health hospitals, training and research hospitals, and private practices in Ankara, Istanbul, and Tekirdağ. In 2022, she began her doctoral studies in Pediatric Dentistry at Istanbul Health and Technology University to specialize in pediatric dentistry. She has participated in numerous national and international congresses and training sessions, focusing on pediatric preventive dentistry and dental trauma. Her professional interests include dental trauma and aesthetic applications in children, preventive dentistry, diagnosis and treatment of hypomineralized teeth, and endodontic treatments in young permanent teeth. As of 2024, she has been serving pediatric patients at Klinik M. She is a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Pediatric Dentistry, and the Pediatric Dentists Association.


Dt. Zeynep Sude Çakır

Dentist Zeynep Sude Çakır was born in Istanbul. After completing her high school education in the United States, she graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry. She gained international experience in dentistry by treating patients in Italy. She provides services to her patients with general dentistry practices. She is fluent in English, Spanish, and German.

Membership: Turkish Dental Association (TDA)